Terms and Conditions Regarding E-mail
Blakeley LC has established the following terms and conditions, which are applicable to all e-mail transmissions that are generated, in whole or in part, from the domain blakeleyllp.com, including content that may have been generated in whole or in part from other e-mail domains (all such e-mail is referred to as "BLC E-mail"). For further information please contact Blakeley LC.
BLC E-mail may include content, whether in the body of an e-mail or in an attachment, that is intended to be confidential, subject to the attorney-client privilege, or otherwise protected under applicable law. Delivery of confidential material by e-mail not does not diminish the confidential, privileged or otherwise protected nature of such material.
BLC E-mail may be inadvertently disclosed to unintended recipients. This can occur by, for example, putting the wrong address on an e-mail or by mistakenly including persons on a transmission (e.g., erroneously replying to all addressees). Thus, receipt by any person of a BLC E-mail does not necessarily indicate that such person is an intended recipient. Disclosure of protected, privileged or other confidential material to unintended recipients does not alter BLC's intent that the protected, confidential or privileged nature of such material be preserved. All persons who believe that they have erroneously received any BLC E-mail are requested to delete such e-mail, including any attachments.
Various employees of BLC have access to the firm's e-mail system and are able to use the e-mail system for non-business, personal use. Any such non-business, personal use is solely the responsibility of the sender, and none of the content of any such e-mail is to be attributed to Blakeley LC.
Only persons who are direct addressees of BLC E-mail and who have established a client relationship with Blakeley LC are entitled to rely on the content of any BLC E-mail, including attachments. Client relationships are established only by an engagement letter or by other express agreement executed or acknowledged by a principal of Blakeley LC.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, it is Blakeley LC's policy not to render any legal opinions except in the form of a formal written opinion letter by a principal of Blakeley LC who has obtained the requisite internal approvals to render an opinion. No person, therefore, should interpret any BLC E-mail as a legal opinion.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, Blakeley LC generally does not have the authority to bind its clients to any offers, acceptances, agreements, contracts or other obligations. Therefore, all BLC E-mail that contains proposals, draft documents or instruments, or offers or acceptances made on behalf of an Blakeley LC client, are subject to the further approval of that client, in accordance with that client's particular procedures and applicable law.
Blakeley LC is unable to control revisions or modifications to the content of any BLC E-mail, including any attachment, after such material has been received by any person. Therefore, no one who receives an e-mail purportedly from Blakeley LC should rely on the authenticity or completeness of that e-mail, unless it is received directly from Blakeley LC. No person is entitled to copy, forward or otherwise re-use any material contained in any BLC E-mail, without Blakeley LC's express written permission.
Attachments to BLC E-mail may contain "viruses," "worms" or other computer code that may be harmful to computer systems of recipients. Blakeley LC takes measures to prevent such malicious code from being distributed via BLC E-mail, but these measures cannot be relied on to be 100 percent effective. Blakeley LC disclaims any responsibility for any damages that may result from any such malicious code that is unintentionally contained in any BLC E-mail.